“The Ohio Taxidermists Association (OTA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of taxidermy and wildlife art, to educating the public regarding the art form of modern taxidermy and is committed to wildlife conservation.
Who we are . . . and why YOU should JOIN OTA!
1. Education -The OTA promotes education by holding an annual convention as well as several other events through the year for its members. By Competing at the annual convention you get your work critiqued by the best in the business. Learning valuable information that can only be gathered by having YOUR OWN WORK evaluated.
By attending the seminars you learn techniques to improve your skills. The best part is the fellowship you get with fellow taxidermists….more valuable than any award or accolade!
2. Business – The OTA strives to improve the taxidermy business as a whole. Making it more possible for taxidermists to actually make a living in this tough business. The OTA tries to keep taxidermists abreast of changes in the industry, new products, and business skills. The OTA attempts to instill good business practices within its membership. This only helps us all.
3. Wildlife – The OTA encourages compliance to wildlife laws and good relationships with the ODNR. It is important for taxidermists to be involved in the process of creating the laws that govern our trade. The relationship between the taxidermist and the wildlife officer should be one of mutual respect, not adversarial.
The OTA works for the beginner as well as the seasoned Professional Taxidermist. You can enter your work in competition and win awards, as well as learn the skills that can take you to the top of taxidermy. Joining OTA and entering just ONE competition can make your work jump 10 YEARS ahead of trying to slog it out yourself with books and videos. Where else can you talk to 100 taxidermists all at once and in person!